Have you ever wondered how bloggers take such good pictures? Well, not all bloggers but some of them are really talented. Is [...]
June 10th, 2020 9 comments on 10 Photography Lighting Tips for BloggersDo you ever go back to re-edit your old photos? Sometimes I go back and re-edit my old photos for fun. I [...]
One thing I love is the use of light leaks and Bokeh overlays in Photoshop. It’s a really simple thing you can [...]
April 6th, 2020 4 comments on Light Leaks, Prism and Bokeh OverlaysIn this post, I will share ten photography ideas for at home. Some of these ideas will involve picking up your camera. [...]
March 27th, 2020 1 comment on Ten Photography Ideas for at HomeIn this post I will cover your camera settings and the exposure triangle. We will look at Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO. [...]
March 25th, 2020 3 comments on What is the Exposure Triangle in Photography?What is the best way to learn photography as a beginner? The situation: Your out to lunch with your friend and they [...]
One of the questions I had as a new photographer was, “Do you let clients see unedited photos?” Somephotographers will say vehemently, [...]
March 10th, 2020 1 comment on Do you let Clients see Unedited Photos?Just how important is product photography in E-Commerce? Answer: Very Important! The product image is the first thing your customer is going [...]
January 1st, 2020 0 comments on How Important is Product Photography in E-Commerce?